September 13, 2013

A Message From the Assistant Principal

It is hard to believe that we are nearly half way through September. Students are learning routines, new strategies and concepts, and how to become successful Ravenwood Tigers. It has been a joy to begin to build relationships with the students, parents, and staff members here at Ravenwood. I truly believe in the importance of quality relationships within a school community. I have appreciated the smiles that have been shared in the car loop each morning as students unload from cars, gather up backpacks, and grab the water bottle just before the car door closes. Several parents have mentioned some inspiration for a quick trip to clean out the car as I toss a soccer ball or cup from the Royals ball game back inside. That makes me smile because those soccer balls and cups from the Royals ball game that trailed behind your child in the car loop are symbols of the relationships that are being built at home; evidence of time well spent with your child over the weekend. Enjoy this upcoming weekend and keep making those memories with your children. When I greet you in the car loop on Monday morning, if something trails behind your child – just smile, and I will too.
“You’ve got to S-M-I-L-E to be H-A-Double-P-Y” –Shirley Temple Black