Dear Parent/Guardian,
Ravenwood will again be participating in Jump Rope For Heart this year for grades 1-5. Heart disease and stroke are still the leading causes of illness and death in our country. Jump Rope For Heart provides kids with a greater awareness and understanding of the risks these diseases pose as well as ways to prevent heart disease through healthy choices.
Students will participate in 30 minutes of jumping in a wide variety of jump rope activities for one PE class during the event week. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle and can rest and watch other classmates whenever they need a break. The whole idea is to have some fun, get some exercise, and help out a great cause! We will start March 10th (C Day) and will go through March 13thth (A DAY). Friday, March 14th will be the last day to turn in donations. Donation envelopes will go out Monday, March 3rd so students have almost two weeks to receive donations. If your child did not raise their hand for an envelope and need one, Mr. Pitcher has many extras so have their teacher let me know.
It is very important to understand that this will be a part of class and will combine jumping rope and other fun ways to exercise just like a normal class. It is completely OPTIONAL to raise money for the American Heart Association. If interested, students can use the handout folder to collect donations and turn in the week of the event. Family, friends, and known businesses are great ways to receive donations. Many businesses will often match donations and can be a great way to increase your child’s total. I will reinforce at school that students are not to go door to door for donations or ask strangers. Parental guidance is needed for the fundraising.
Most of us know someone in our lives who suffer from a heart condition or have dealt with a stroke. This is a great way for Ravenwood kids to contribute to finding ways to treat and prevent heart disease and stroke! If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school anytime. Let’s have a great event and get ready to JUMP!
Mr. Pitcher (