Hello Ravenwood Runners! We’ll be starting up Ravenwood Running Club again for spring and I wanted to get some information out before we get going!
- We will start up Monday, March 31st and we will meet every Monday through April 28th finishing up with the Tiger Trot!
- RW Running Club will be Mondays after school from 3:45-4:30
- Running Club is for 3-5 students, parents and teachers
- K-2nd Grade Students can join running club for the last 3 Mondays before the Tiger Trot to get ready! These dates are April 14, 21 & 28. K-2nd students will also need a signed consent form turned in to Mr. Pitcher before attending Running Club.
- All runners must have a signed permission slip turned in to take part in Running Club
- Students will be dismissed over the intercom at 3:45 to head to the gym
- Students will check in and have free time in the gym until we all head outside to stretch and run around 3:55 p.m.
- After we meet back inside the gym, students will be dismissed to go at 4:30
- Parents picking up need to come to the main office doors at the front of the building so that Mr. Pitcher can wait with all kids getting rides.
- Students may walk home or ride a bike but parents need to indicate this on the permission slip.
I look forward to a great spring of running and hope to see lots of you out there! Running Club is a great way to get ready for the Tiger Trot so come on out and run!