January 10, 2014

A Message From the Assistant Principal

I have been reading aloud Summer of the Monkeys to my fourth graders in the afternoons. We recently read about how one of the main characters, Daisy, found a fairy ring. She called out to all of the family in excitement, and each family member knelt in the center of the fairy ring to make a wish. Later in the story, this fairy ring becomes very significant because we will find out what each family member wished for…and we will be surprised! I asked my students to pretend that they discovered a fairy ring and write all about their wish. I was amazed at the depth of their heartfelt wishes. Many wrote about how they would wish for world peace, the opportunity to grant wishes to others, enough money for everyone, and a few did wish for puppies. The thoughts shared by this class are just another testament to the type of community that we share here at Ravenwood Elementary. A generous community that considers the needs of others. So as you begin winter break, I wish for all of our families to enjoy time spent together and have plenty of time for rest and renewal. I’ll look forward to seeing all of you as we begin 2014 together and look toward a wonderful second half of the school year.