January 10, 2014

A Message From the Principal

I hope your family had an enjoyable break. Amy and I stayed in town and spent time with each of our families.

A highlight was watching Star Wars with my four-year old nephew. Everett, we call him E, learned about Star Wars through the Angry Bird games and he asked for a Darth Vader mask for Christmas. We learned he was unaware Darth Vader was a villain - so we brought the movie with us when we were babysitting.

I’ll always remember how his head snapped to the screen when the music started! He asked about the scrolling text and my wife explained that it was the story’s beginning. Then she read it out loud for him. As the Imperial ship came on screen, E ran to get his Disneyland sword. . . now miraculously a lightsaber. 

Throughout the movie, he imagined he was a Jedi - jumping, kicking, and defeating imaginary enemies with his light saber. E’s pure excitement and uninhibited joy lead me to reflect upon how lucky I am to work with your children.

Thank you for sharing them with me each day - I love them and I’m proud of them in so many different ways.

It's Great to be a Tiger,